A downloadable game for Windows

A GDEX 2022 Game Jam Entry, Theme:  Eraser.

Your world is falling apart. The arcologies can no longer sustain life.  A sandstorm of devastating consequence is forming and threatens to erase all that your people have built. 

Win Condition: Find shelter before the storm overtakes you!

Lose Condition: Get caught in the storm and lose all HP.

=><=== INSTRUCTIONS ===><=

Run across the stage to the other end while avoiding the sandstorm behind.

[WASD] to Walk, [Shift] to Run, [Spacebar] to Jump.

Gamepad support - (A) to Jump, (Left Trigger) to Run, (Left Analog) moves.

[ESC] or (Start) button exits the game. [R] or (Select) button restarts.

=><=== CREDITS  ===><=

Game Design: Raul "Exevalon" Rivera

Music: Dr. eyes-t


Sandblasted_v01c.zip 50 MB


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Really love the mood of the music and the environment.  The animations on the character feel nice. Explosion moment later on was a nice environmental touch.

Maybe it's a CPU speed thing if deltaTime isn't being factored in, but no matter how fast I start running, I die in 2-3 seconds before reaching any structures.  If I throttle my CPU down to 20%, I can get to the first building before the life runs out, but I still die.

If I run left instead, I stop losing life, but the sandstorm never comes back.

You probably want to lock the z-axis (or whichever faces the camera) on the transform of the player otherwise they can run into an angled surface and be mis-aligned from the rest of the level which keeps them from being able to jump on any other platforms after that point.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I'll be working on fixing the issues.